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Novena to Prepare for the Feast of St Columban

We invite those who wish to prepare for the Feast of St Columban on 23rd November to participate in this Novena between 14th – 22nd November. It includes prayers, a litany and quotations. The complete novena booklet can be downloaded in pdf format here: NovenaSt.Columban

Prayer for Peace in the Middle East and Europe

O St Columban,

Come to our aid and rise up to help us as we pray for the Middle East and Ukraine. As pilgrims on the journey, may we walk in the ways of peace and justice.

We cry out to our Loving God and Father of mercy, compassion and reconciliation. Pour out your power upon all your children in the Middle East: Jews, Muslims and Christians, Palestinians and Israelis. Let hatred be turned into love, fear to trust, despair to hope, oppression to freedom, occupation to liberation.

Loving God, listen to the cry of the people of Ukraine, suffering and afraid. Be close to them in their struggles to protect their land.

Protect us all, O Lord, and heal divisions across our world, so that violent encounters may be replaced by loving embraces and be experienced by all. We make our prayer in the name of the Father, and of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Litany of St Columban

Lord have mercy (R)
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy
St Columban R/ Pray for us
St Columban, pilgrim and wanderer for Christ R/Pray for us
St Columban, monk and missionary R/Pray for us
St Columban, abbot and brother R/Pray for us
St Columban, contemplative and prophetic R/Pray for us
St Columban, defender of truth and freedom R/Pray for us
St Columban, dove of peace R/Pray for us
St Columban, friend of nature R/Pray for us
St Columban, lover of animals R/Pray for us
St Columban, protector of the environment R/Pray for us
St Columban, healer of the sick R/Pray for us
St Columban, courageous and fearless R/Pray for us
St Columban, forgiving and rich in mercy R/Pray for us
St Columban, promoter of justice, peace and integrity R/Pray for us
St Columban, true to the Word of God R/Pray for us
St Columban, intercede to God for us R/Pray for us

Oh Lord hear our prayer R/And grant us your salvation

For the pilgrim Church in every land R/
May it be filled, guided and governed by your Holy Spirit.

For our Holy Father Pope Francis R/
Continue to bestow on him your wisdom to guide him in his service of leading, inspiring, challenging and unifying the Church.

For the religious leaders of the world R/
Come with your unfailing help and give them your strength in their ministry and service to God and his people.

For Columban missionaries throughout the world R/
Bless their work that all people may know the light of Christ.

For the sick and those who have asked for our prayers R/
Comfort and strengthen them and keep us attentive to their needs.

For the imprisoned, those deprived of their freedom and those undergoing persecution R/
Give them strength of mind and body and fill them with your hope.

For those committed to interreligious dialogue, justice and peace and caring for planet earth R/
Give them prophetic courage to be authentic witnesses of the Gospel.

For the intentions of our families, benefactors and friends of St Columban throughout the world, and those who watch out and care for us R/
Keep them in your loving care and bless them with good health.

For vocations R/
Inspire many young men and women to answer your call to married, priestly, religious and missionary life.

For ourselves and those with whom we presently live R/
May your presence be upon us that we may live in love.

For our deceased Columbans, family members and friends, and those who have been close to us during their lives R/
May they rest in peace and enjoy the company of the angels, saints and martyrs in the Kingdom of heaven.

Prayer for Peace

Heavenly Father,
Through the intercession of your servant St Columban,
we the friends and members of the Columban Community,
spread throughout the world,
unite our prayer to his,
asking You for peace, unity and charity,
in a world of growing conflict, division and war.

In times of great peril,
Columban was heard to pray,
“O God, come to my aid,
O Lord, make haste to help me.”

We ask you, Father,
through the merits of your Son, Jesus Christ,
to come to our aid today, through the Spirit,
And grant us the gift of Peace. Amen.